DECAL Issues New Information on Comprehensive Fingerprint Background Checks


Please review the document from Assistant Commissioner Kristy Lewis. GCCA is working with DECAL as they flush out the new process.

Dear Georgia Child Care Provider,

Currently, DECAL issues a satisfactory or unsatisfactory determination letter based only on an individual’s national, fingerprint-based background check.

Regulations will soon require that all people who work in child care facilities receive a satisfactory determination based on a comprehensive background check that includes a check of the following:

  • National fingerprint-based criminal history;
  • Georgia child abuse and neglect registry;
  • National sex offender registry;
  • Out of state criminal history for individuals who have resided outside of Georgia in the past five years; and
  • Out of state child abuse and neglect registry for individuals who have resided outside of Georgia in the past five years.

Important dates as DECAL phases in this requirement: 

  • Effective immediately, DECAL will perform comprehensive background checks for all consenting records check applicants who have lived only in Georgia for the past five years.
  • Beginning July 1, 2017, DECAL will perform comprehensive background checks for all consenting records check applicants who have lived outside of Georgia within the past five years.
  • Beginning October 1, 2017, DECAL will require that all employees working in the child care industry with a current, valid fingerprint-based satisfactory background check grant consent for DECAL to run the comprehensive background check.
  • By October 1, 2018, everyone in the Georgia child care industry must have a satisfactory determination based on a comprehensive background check.

DECAL will notify you by e-mail when a new comprehensive determination letter is issued and when consent updates are required of your staff.



Kristie Lewis

Assistant Commissioner for Child Care Services