Products & Services

50/50 Raffle - 3 Tickets
Price: $25
Early Education Development Alliance (EEDA)-GCCA's philanthropic arm with tax deductible donations The Early Education Development Alliance (EEDA) is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to enhancing the quality...
GCCA Projects Fund Support the Early Education Advocacy Fund GCCA established the Early Education Advocacy Fund to...
Rose Petal Guess Guess to Win! Correctly guess how many rose petals are in the vase and you could win a FREE ticket...
Price: $5
Stick Horses ๐ŸŽ Buy Your Stickhorse for the Race! ๐ŸŽFor just a $25 donation, you can choose your horse and join...
Price: $25
Derby Scratch Off Tickets ๐ŸŽŸ๏ธ Try Your Luck with a Kentucky Derby Scratch-Off Card! ๐ŸŽŸ๏ธFor just $5, scratch for a chance to...
Price: $5